Fiber offer Fiber optics single-mode & multi-mode solutions

A-LAN offers a complete range of fiber products based on its own ALANTEC brand solutions, where we offer high quality in competitive purchase prices and LEONI solutions, backed with a strong international brand and solutions that are not available on the so called common distribution market. Our range of products is dedicated to telecommunication operators, with dedicated FTTx, metropolitan and broad range products, as well as integrators, whose specialty is development of local fibre networks.

The offer includes:

  • OS2 single-mode cables in PE coating for external applications
  • OS2 single-mode and OM2, OM3, and OM4 multi-mode cables in LS0H coatings for universal use (outdoor-indoor)
  • cables for subscribers and easy access for housing purposes
  • full scale of cross panels, sockets, FTTx circuits, fiber cable boxes, pigtail cables, adapters, cross cables and accessories. We deliver in-house terminated fibre pins, so called mul

Optic fiber used in our cables:

  • Single-mode SUMITOMO - Japan
  • Multi-mode J-FIBER (LEONI Group) - Germany